The Business Facilitation Service is designed to help professional practices, businesses and all types of organizations deal with their issues, problems and conflicts – constructively and efficiently.
You may be contemplating professionalizing your business for a number of reasons, including: to achieve best practice status and benefits; to obtain additional finance; to increase its value ; as part of a succession process; or to increase competitiveness – for survival and/or profit. Whatever the motivation, we help any team raise its commercial aspirations through orgaisational and productivity improvements.
No business that takes itself seriously should be without a live, up to date, written and fully communicated Plan.
We use processes to achieve optimal results in a very wide range of situations. Every process is designed to respond to specific needs and circumstances in regards to the matter, thereby ensuring best possible outcomes, most of the time.
How We do The Facilitation.
- Identifying the Goals and Objectives of Facilitation. What is the business hoping to get from bringing in a facilitator? We, identify goals and objectives for how the role will help the organization. Then set expectations , so the client understands how we will help the business and what that process will look like.
Preparation for Facilitation: Gathering Data and Resources. We collect valuable data or resources we believe will help when observing a business.
Conducting the Facilitation and Techniques and Tools. We ensure that we have all the proper tools that we need to do our best to make challenges easier in your organization.
Evaluating the Facilitation Process for continuous Improvement. We constantly evaluate the process. The goal is to ease some of the challenges the business or organization faces.